Monday, August 26, 2013

First "Real" Day of Kindergarten

     I say the first "real" day because today was reality!  After last week's staggered start I had gotten used to only having a small group of kiddos.  Today I had all 24 with me and oh my, was it different!  Overall, they did VERY well.  Considering it was only their third day (my fifth), I was super impressed.
     Today I introduced the five, whole brain teaching (WBT) classroom rules.  After the initial introduction, we focused primarily on the first rule, "Follow directions quickly."  I've modified my WBT rules slightly from the traditional five.  The ones I use are; #1 Follow directions quickly; #2 Raise your hand to speak or stand; #3 Listen when your teacher is talking; #4 Make smart choices; and #5 Respect others, Respect yourself and respect your school.
     The original 5 WBT teaching rules have raising your hand to speak and stand as separate rules but I felt that it was kind of the same thing and should be together- plus they rhyme which is something that helps my kinders remember.  Another original WBT rule was "Keep your dear teacher happy".  I've never been super crazy about this rule just because kindergarteners know following the rules "keeps me happy" therefore to include this rule is kind of redundant.  Also, I do not want my students to be so focused on doing what they think will "keep me happy" that they're not putting themselves out there and trying their 100% best.  I think WBT is fantastic just the way it is, but for my classroom I think these five rules reflect my classroom and style the best.  Thanks to Mrs. Tyner over at The Curious Apple for making a custom set of these rules for me- in a camping theme!  You can find the WBT rule set that I use on TPT.
     Besides getting some WBT in, I also introduced a vocabulary lesson using the book Scaredy Squirrel by Melanie Watts.  In this book we focused on the words routine, emergency and prepared.  For kindergarten, these are three VERY important words!  We always follow routine, I would like them to be prepared and they think everything is an emergency :)  This was a fantastic introduction to what is and is not ok to interrupt Mrs. Jarvis for.  For routine and prepared I simply gave examples (during reading) of what they are and for emergency I had them say "Emergency" for things that were emergencies, if it was not, they said nothing.  It was interesting to see/hear their responses.  It opened their eyes to things such as "students running in the hall" is really not an emergency.  It's an opportunity to be a good friend and remind them of the rules.  Many were also surprised to learn "not knowing how/being able to do their work" is actually an emergency, which means they need to tell me right away!
     Overall, fantastic day!  I only got through about half my plans, but good news is that means I can just do them tomorrow instead of planning tonight!  I usually plan a week in advance but that usually is not possible until a month into school.

Friday, August 23, 2013

First week= completed

     The first week is finally over!  I do not want it to sound as if it was not a good week- it was wonderful!  I am just so exhausted!!!  Last night and tonight will be the only nights I stay awake later than 8pm!
     As mentioned previously, my district decided to do a staggered start for kindergarten this year.  I am extremely grateful for this.  The intention was to have one half of the class come Tuesday/Thursday and the other half come Wednesday/Friday.  However, I have a handful of withdrawals, additions and changes to the schedule that two days I had 15 and then other two I had 9 students.  It really did work out ok though!  I was grateful to just have less than 25 (my originally scheduled class) for the first week.
     The first day I had not intended on introducing my clip chart, but quickly re-evaluated when I saw the potential to increase positive behaviors.  The first day first week or more, kinders often resemble preschoolers.  They do not know how to line up, raise their hand (AND wait to be called on to speak) or how to wait their turn.  I understand this and remember this each year, but it's always hard to get used to after remembering where my kinders last year finished.
     Most students were completely motivated by "moving their clips up"!  I was excited by this.  Simply mentioning "Jane, move your clip to blue- I love how you are sitting criss-cross with your hands in your lap!" (Jane is a pseudonym), encouraged and excited other students to do the same!  Moving clips down the first day did not happen.  Even if it took 10 reminders, they did not move their clips down- they're still little babes, learning the ropes.  My goal of introducing the clip chart on the first day- although last minute- was to encourage positive behavior.
     Overall, I was super impressed with their ability to sustain attention to tasks and interest in following directions!  I did observe some difficulty with a few to follow 2+ verbal directions at one time, so I stayed late tonight laminating visual cue directions for those who had difficulty.  Personally, I am a visual learner so I completely understand being confused and forgetful concerning verbal directions!   
     Looking forward to next week- it's going to be a GREAT year!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Back to School Sale--- 10% off all Products at my TPT Store!

Today through Friday, I am running a sale on all of my TPT products at 10% off!  See pictures below for a preview of what I have!  Click HERE to visit my store!

Substitute Folder Forms

Chevron Substitute Folder Forms

Camping Themed Substitute Folder Forms

Camping Themed Checklists

Camping Themed Kindergarten CCSS Checklist

Chevron Kindergarten CCSS Checklists

Monday, August 12, 2013

Classroom Management

     For the previous six years, I've used the basic "card system."  I've always had four cards- start on green, two below for misbehavior and one above to earn for "above and beyond" behavior.  Students could also earn their cards back for improving their behavior throughout the day.  Each year, students were familiar with this system because many had seen it in pre-K and others new about "the cards" from siblings.  Until this year, I had no thoughts about changing it.
      I've decided to use the clip chart system.  I've read several blog posts as well as the e-book linked in the previous sentence.  I felt like it was a small transition from the cards, but encompassed more of how I believe classroom management should work.  Everyone starts the day on "Ready to Learn" (or green) and has the opportunity to earn up to three spaces above.  Students could also move their clips down for misbehavior.  I also believe using clip charts will give me more opportunity to reward positive behavior, which my experience usually increases all classroom behavior!
      There are different types of clip charts out there, most in rainbow colors.  The traditional clip chart (as outlined in the e-book linked above) will start with red at the top as the highest honor and then gray at the bottom for contacting home.  I chose to start with pink at the top followed by purple, blue, green, yellow, orange and then red at the bottom.  I made my clip chart in Keynote (Mac's version of Powerpoint), so the pictures are not in the color order I listed above.

    What type of classroom management system do you use?  What do you like most about it?

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Two Short Weeks!

     Two short weeks until I go back to school!  August always brings mixed emotions because I love my summer break but I'm *usually* ready to go back by the time it comes around.  Teachers come on August 19th and students begin the next day.
      In the past, the first full five days of school (for students 1-12), kindergarten used as their time for screening.  We would give our district and state assessments (about 15m each child), do a read aloud, observe them with play, etc.  We would then split the classes at the end of screening, which did not leave much time for labeling and such.  But there were some pros:

  • Students were able to spend a short time meeting all the K teachers 
  • We would remember students better when they came in for open house the night before their first day since we'd just met them
  • Students who were registered later in the summer didn't miss out on screening
There were also some cons:
  • Not much time for labeling, prepping for the first day
  • K had open house by themselves- forcing some families to attend two open houses
  • We lost five days of instruction with our kinders!
      This past spring, the decision was made that we would conduct screening and registration together, which many districts in my area already do it this way.  It really does make sense- I had to spend one day assessing little ones with two colleagues and the second day my other three team mates finished assessing the other half.  We also had about four other adults (administrators, small group instructors) assisting so it went quickly.  Families had appointments and they were in and out in 20-30 minutes.
       We just got "official word" last week that we will begin kindergarten with a staggered start, which I am super excited about!  About half my class will come Tuesday and Thursday and the other half will come Wednesday and Friday- they will all come and start all day, every day the following Monday.  Some huge pros to my district changing their screening process is that I will get to know my students in smaller groups and be able to establish routines a little easier (fingers crossed)!  We will also be "gaining" three days with our students that we previously did not have using the old method!
        How does your school start off the year?  Do any grade levels have different start days, or a staggered start schedule?  How do you like it?